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Creating a custom website that meets the specific needs of each client is no easy task. However, at Krotov Studio, we have refined our web design process to ensure that every project results in a beautiful, functional, and user-friendly website. In this article, we will provide you with an inside look at the web design process at Krotov Studio, from concept to launch.

Understanding the Client’s Vision

Gathering Information

The first step in our web design process is to understand the client’s vision for their website. We start by gathering all necessary information about the client’s business, their goals, target audience, and any specific requirements they may have. This helps us to lay a strong foundation for the project and ensures that we fully understand the client’s needs.

Analyzing Competitors

We also take the time to analyze the client’s competitors, which allows us to identify industry trends and best practices. This information helps us to create a website that not only stands out from the competition but also meets the expectations of the target audience.

Planning and Strategy

Defining Project Scope

Once we have a clear understanding of the client’s vision, we move on to defining the project scope. This involves creating a detailed project plan that outlines the required features and functionality, as well as the estimated timeline and budget for the project.

Creating a Sitemap

Next, we create a sitemap that outlines the website’s structure and hierarchy. This helps us to ensure that the website is easy to navigate and that all necessary pages are included.

Setting Milestones

To keep the project on track, we set milestones that correspond with each phase of the web design process. These milestones help us to monitor progress and ensure that we are meeting the client’s expectations at every step of the way.

Design and User Experience


The design phase begins with wireframing, which involves creating a visual representation of the website’s layout. Wireframes help us to establish the structure and organization of the website, as well as identify any potential usability issues.

Visual Design

Once the wireframes are complete, we move on to the visual design stage. This involves creating the overall look and feel of the website, including typography, color schemes, and imagery. We work closely with the client during this stage to ensure that the design aligns with their brand and vision.

User Experience Design

User experience (UX) design is a crucial component of the web design process. We focus on creating a website that is not only visually appealing but also easy to use and navigate. This involves considering factors such as page load times, mobile responsiveness, and accessibility.

Development and Coding

Front-end Development

With the design and user experience established, we move on to the development stage. Front-end development involves translating the visual design into code, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a fully functional and responsive website.

Back-end Development

Back-end development is the process of creating the underlying systems that power the website’s functionality. This may include setting up databases, creating content management systems, and integrating third-party services. Our skilled developers work to ensure that the website is scalable, secure, and efficient.

Testing and Quality Assurance

Functionality Testing

Before launching the website, we conduct thorough testing to ensure that all features and functionality are working as intended. This includes testing forms, links, and any interactive elements on the website.

Compatibility Testing

We also test the website’s compatibility across various devices, browsers, and screen sizes. This ensures that the website looks and performs optimally for all users, regardless of their device or browser.

Performance Testing

Lastly, we conduct performance testing to ensure that the website loads quickly and efficiently. This includes optimizing images, minifying code, and implementing caching where necessary.

Launch and Post-launch Support

Preparing for Launch

Once the website has been thoroughly tested and reviewed, we prepare for launch. This involves setting up hosting, configuring domain settings, and ensuring that all necessary security measures are in place.

Post-launch Support and Maintenance

After the website is live, we continue to provide support and maintenance to ensure that it remains up-to-date and functioning optimally. This includes regular updates, bug fixes, and ongoing performance optimizations.


At Krotov Studio, our comprehensive web design process allows us to create custom websites that meet the unique needs of each client. From concept to launch, we work closely with our clients to ensure that their vision is brought to life. With a focus on design, user experience, and quality assurance, we are committed to creating websites that stand out from the competition and deliver exceptional results.


  1. How long does the web design process typically take at Krotov Studio?

The timeline for each project varies depending on the complexity and requirements of the website. However, we work diligently to ensure that every project is completed within the agreed-upon timeframe.

  1. Do you provide ongoing support and maintenance after the website is launched?

Yes, we offer post-launch support and maintenance services to ensure that your website remains up-to-date and functioning optimally.

  1. Can you help with search engine optimization (SEO) for my website?

Absolutely! We build all of our websites with SEO best practices in mind and can provide additional SEO services to help your website rank higher in search results.

  1. Are your websites mobile-responsive?

Yes, all of our websites are designed to be fully responsive, ensuring that they look and perform optimally on all devices.

  1. Do you offer e-commerce website design services?

Yes, we have experience creating e-commerce websites and can help you design and develop a website that meets your online sales needs.